Fast forward to today, I can happily say that I have used every essential oil in my starter kit!!! This journey has been amazing the support from other oil mommas to the healthy changes it has allowed me to provide for my family. If you’re reading this you are either super excited to jump right in or like me you make still be a little skeptical. Either way you have come to the right place. One thing I will promise you is that I’m not here to sell you on this. I’m just here to be by your side to help you get started. This journey can look however you want it to!
That being said if you are excited to jump right in Sign up HERE and make sure my member ID #13605106 appears in both the Sponsor + Enroller fields. Next you will want to choose the MEMBER option to receive a 24% discount( this doesnt cost you a thing!) on all YL products, sign up for Essential Rewards to earn points for free stuff, join our members only online support communities and learn the business side of oils if you’re interested. All starter kits come with the 10 most popular and commonly used oils plus a bonus oil, a diffuser and some extra goodies! The dew drop diffuser option is the one I started with. You will get over $350 of product for $160 + shipping & tax .
Now this is your opportunity to set up Essential Rewards. This s in NO WAY mandatory and you can skip it and set it up at a later time. Again this is your journey I’m just here to provide the information. With Essential Rewards you can choose items each month that you want to be shipped right to you. You will earn points for this to shop with, get free products and wont have to worry aboue running out of your favorite product. I understand ff you’re not ready, no worries! You will just skip on to add additional items to your starter kit like cleaning or baby products or just move right along to fill in your personal info.
Done, simple as that! Now the fun begins. In the next few days while you wait for the kit to arrive, I’ll be adding you into an educational community so you will learn how to use all the oils. So excited to have you here!
I know that some of you are still skeptics and or it all seems very overwhelming. There are still questions running through your head like What will I do with my oils once I get them? Why choose Young Living? Dont you even worry, I was just like you. I said before how long it took me to buy my kit. So this part is for you, I hope to provide some clarity and answers for those of you.
Why choose Young Living?
This one was huge for me. Why Young Living instead of xyz company. Let me share the simple answer for you. Seed to Seal Process if you click the link you can read just how Young Living prides itself on the highest quality of sourcing, stringent science and the standard of sustainably sourcing plants.
What will I do with my oils once I get them?
If you are anything like me, they may sit in the box until you learn enough about them. My advice for you is to start with the ah ha oil that brought you here. Mine was lavendar. Learn about it and use it on a regular basis. Then all a sudden you will start hearing yourself say ” I have an essential oil for that” oh ” this essential oil will help that”. You will find that slowly but surly you will start feeling more comfortable. Next step you should get your diffuser set up and start having fun with different combos. Ask for suggestions in our educational groups, or reach out to me.
With that know that this is just the start to an incredible essentail oils journey! You will have me right by your side and I couldnt be more thrilled. Take a leap, trust the process and know that the support is always there!