Everly Rose you are NINE months old! Summer is in full effect and time is flying by so quick. We sure are soaking it all up though. There are lots of fun updates this month.

Everly 9 months Purple Polka Dot Bow

You have started scooting around. Its about the cutest thing, you tuck your left leg in and push off with your right. You have also mastered pulling yourself up on just about everything, including the side of the bath which you were super proud of !  Big sissy’s are such great helpers they especially love giving you baths. Your two bottom teeth are fully in and your top two our on the way. Thank goodness we found this teething necklace it has been a life saver.

everly bath Teething Necklace

You also got to experience your first county fair out near nana and papas house. Between pig races and pirate shows you thoroughly enjoyed the finest fair food around. Including curly fries, elephant ears, corn dogs,cookies, ice cream and whatever else nana and auntie snuck you haha. I’m also proud to say that you won 1st place for the finger painting you entered!!!

1st Place Winner!!

everly at the fair







Everly you sure are a girl that Loves summer and everything that comes with it pool days, ice cream, BBQ’s, picnics in the park and all the grass pulling your lil heart desires.














We love you sweet girl.










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