Everly Rose you are TEN months old! You remind us everyday that you are growing and learning and going to be a one year old here soon.

Everly 10 months old
For the most part it’s so exciting watching you learn new things. Your a full on crawler now- keeping you in one place is a thing of the past ! Anything that gives me a heart attack is your FAVORITE stairs climbing and crawling off the bed hoping someone will catch you. Yep you think its super funny !

You sure know how to keep life exciting 

This month we have been busy enjoying every last day of summer break before sisters have to head back to school.

My end of summer favorite- The Dahlia festival (Dahlia is what I wanted to name you)

Olayos sisters Olayos sisters

That means you have enjoyed lots of ice cream.Pool time, target trips and spending lots of time with family.fun with family target funEverly Eating Ice cream

This month you also started saying nana and your top two teeth are fully in. You love using them to eat corn on the cob. Boy was it a full moth filled with lots and lots of memories.

We love you sweet girl.

