This post is sponsored by Happy Family but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Have you all ever been shocked at how different your children are? Right down to what they like and dont like to eat ?? I had never had a picky eater until Everly started eating solids and boy is she a picky eater.
I often times find myself at a loss for what to feed her that is 1. Something she will actually eat and 2. Is healthy and good for her.
It’s especially hard to find healthy foods that are easy to take on the go. Since I know im not alone in this stuggle, I just had to share this new product that Happy Family has for toddlers, its called HappyTot Super Morning Bowl.
Everly has fallen in love with these Bowls. I love that I can toss it in our bag before we head out for the day and not have to worry about it. They are also quick and convient when its one of those days that you just dont feel like cooking.
The best part is each Morning Bowl is ready to eat, has 0g of added sugar, made with real organic fruit and is packed full of 160mg of Omega 3 and 3g of fiber. If you havent heard of Happy Family I suggest you check them out.
Use this Coupon at your local WalMart where you can find Happy Tot Super Morning Bowls.
Great idea! I need to bring some of these with me for my three year old when we visit Disney World!