My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for over a year and wouldn’t you know it a week after moving into a much smaller place with only two bedrooms we find out we are FINALLY pregnant……….I was so excited but instantly thought where is Everly’s nursery going to be and how on earth are we going to fit all the stuff a newborn needed in our new space? I panicked, cried, googled and pinned.
Everly is now 7 months old. Although we had never planned on room sharing we are making it work.
I wanted to share the things that have been most useful for us.
Bookcase / Storage Baskets / Wire rack / Curtain rod

A girl can never have to many bows. I simply just strung a piece of ribbon and use clothes pins to hold them. It also works as decoration. The name banner and streamers above her bed are very special to me since they were the ones used at my baby shower.
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Tags: nursery, room sharing